• Consumer Behaviour

    To establish the behaviour of product/service consumers, with a view to better position one’s brand or product/service

  • Projects Evaluation

    To determine the impact a project has had on its targeted beneficiaries

  • Baseline Survey

    To determine the 'as is' situation/condition of a targeted market/audience, so as to be in a better position to measure the impact of an initiative post its implementation

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey

    To establish the extent to which one’s customers are satisfied with a product/brand offering, with a view to taking corrective measures, in need.

  • Mystery Shopping

    To determine how one’s staff treat customers and/or use established procedures

  • Organizational Climate Survey

    To determine the extent to which working conditions and/or dynamics in an organization are conducive for the desired performance levels

  • Employee Engagement Survey

    To measure the extent to which employees in an organization are engaged and supportive of the organization’s mandate